
Over the River and Through the Woodes... to the Christmas Parade we’ll go!

Thank you for your interest in the Cashiers Christmas Parade. If you wish to enter in the parade, please call Eli Ramirez at the Cashiers Area Chamber at 828-743-5191. Participation Information

Over the River and Through the Woodes... to the Christmas Parade we’ll go!

Thank you for your interest in the Cashiers Christmas Parade. If you wish to enter in the parade, please call Eli Ramirez at the Cashiers Area Chamber at 828-743-5191. Participation Information

The 44th Annual Cashiers Christmas Parade is scheduled for Saturday, December 8 at noon with rain date Sunday, December 9 at one o’clock. This year’s theme is “Over the River and Through the Woodes” in honor of Camp Merrie-Woode’s centennial anniversary who will serve as this year’s Grand Marshal. Participants are encouraged to feature “Merrie Mountain Christmas Traditions” on their entries.

Parade lineup and check-in will start at 11:00 a.m. Saturday morning at the South entrance of Cashiers School Road by Cashiers United Methodist Church. Cashiers School Road will remain one way beginning Saturday morning in preparation for parade participants’ safety during line-up. Warm cider and cookies will be provided by the Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust at McKinney Meadow to all parade participants.

The one-mile parade route will start at Cornucopia Restaurant and head North on Hwy 107 toward the Crossroads then turn West on US Highway 64 ending at the Cashiers Community Center on Frank Allen Road for the annual Cashiers Cares Community Luncheon and meet and greet with Santa.

Parade participants will be announced and broadcast live on from the Crossroads so that friends and family unable to attend the parade in person can still enjoy the festivities. 

Per tradition, the coveted Tiger Marching Band will again anchor the parade typically averaging 60 entries. Animal entries are abundant as well as personalized floats, trailers, vintage vehicles, fire engines, walking participants and more.

Parade Awards will be announced in the Crossroads Chronicle after the event.

#CashiersChristmasParade     Please contact Parade Director, Eli Ramirez, at 828-743-5191 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with additional questions.