
Dear Member: Your Chamber continues to focus on local response and recovery to promote your successful business growth.  Be assured, we are your constant advocate and we support your extraordinary professional and personal efforts during these changing times.  Sincerely, Glenn Ubertino, President Board of Directors


2021 - Chamber Board of Directors

Tony Austin, Lake Toxaway Company

Stephanie Edwards, CACOC - Secretary

Daniel Fletcher, JCTDA Liason - Hotel Cashiers

Malice Grant, Sounds Essential - Legacy Fund

Ashton Harris, Treasurer - Country Club of Sapphire Valley

Ben Harris, President-Elect -  Harris Custom Builders 

Lec Hobbs, Highland Hiker

Sarah Jennings, Lonesome Valley

Mary Lanning, Past-President - Hampton Inn & Suites

Brandy Letson, Cashiers Valley Pharmacy

Wendy Lupas, Gracewear

Dr, Don Tomas, Southwestern Community College

Glenn Ubertino, President -  Zoller Hardware