
All Chamber businesses are invited to participate in a single bulk order of the Welcome Cashiers destination enhancing doormat presented by the Cashiers Area Chamber's Retailer Roundtable. The mats are durable 3 x 4 feet Rubber Scraper Mats from American Floor Mats intended for outdoor use. A bulk order will be placed on May 1 and delivered to the Cashiers Area Chamber of Commerce for pickup prior to Memorial Day. Glenville, Lake Toxaway and Sapphire mats will be ordered according to demand. 

Glenville, Lake Toxaway, or Sapphire Welcome Mat – Tell us your interest! Bulk order pricing will be determined based on interest.

The Cashiers Valley Flag produced by Nancy Turner and promoted by the Roundtable to raise the destination brand through coordinated visual statements is also available. The colorful, double-sided 40 x 28 inch sewn polyester flag reads "Cashiers Valley 1833" and features sun, mountain, valley and stream accompanied by embroidered English pointer duo using bright greens, blues and yellow and red accents. The flag can be hung using traditional bracket and pole or vertically on dowel rod with hooks. Preview